
Link Aid

Development background

 In a busy modern society, many people are making a lot of effort trying to keep in touch with people in right time, and to manage contacts on their mobile devices.
 In order to alleviate these troubles, we have developed a tool called 「Link Aid」, which is a collection of functions that can manage contacts more efficiently on mobile phones.

Key features

- Easy to manage contacts by dividing them into groups of tree structure.

- You can quickly select contacts using groups (and hashtags & organizations in addition), and set up groups, register events, send emails or texts, set reminders for each contacts.

- Provides a variety of statistical reports on call logs, and allows you to manage lists in order of contact.

- You can easily see contact-specific reminders and upcoming events in the dashboard.

Main target

- People who are engaged in sales with a lot of contacts, or are busy with schedule and people information management

- People who create and manage meetings often

- People who send emails or texts a lot with their mobile phones

- And, people who want to see statistics about one's own call history

※ Due to changes in Google Permissions policy, key features related to call logs are temporarily unavailable. You can download a free version without any restriction at our website for the time being.